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If, or how, JCself adds one or more voices to its tone sequence is determined by - Minimum voices and maximum voices
- Akkord (only possible if tempered voices is activated)
- Melody (only possible if tempered voices is activated). Cf. melody effect under machine.
Insert a number into minimum voices and maximum voices in order to determine the number of voices which are to be generated by JCself. In relation to the voices chosen their pitches are then generated at random. Adjusted to the respective basic tone is the length/duration of these added voices. Annotation: If JCself chooses the same tone for different voices the former remains unchanged in its volume.
Activating chord determines the 2nd voice as follows: At first the difference between the highest pitch so far and the topical pitch is determined. This difference is then coordinated and divided into 24 parts, each of which are given an interval according to the” basic tone”. 1 Octave down 2 Octave up 3 Fifth down 4 Fifth up 5 Fourth down 6 Fourth up 7 minor Thirds down 8 major Thirds up 9 major Thirds down 10 minor Thirds up 11 minor Sixth down 12 major Sixth up 13 major Sixth down 14 minor Sixth up 15 Tritons down 16 Tritons up 17 minor Seventh down 18 minor Seventh up 19 major Second down 20 major Second up 21 major Seventh down 22 major Seventh up 23 minor Second down